The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah 9:2
Today I received a post from Zvisinei Sandi, a friend and the editor of Help Zimbabwe Magazine in which Walter Mzembi; the ZANU PF Minister of Tourism is castigating Joseph Chinotimba for tarnishing the image of the country by leading demonstrations. For those not in the know Joseph Chinotimba (Cde Chinos) is the semi-literate leader of the veterans of the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe. What makes Mzembi’s comments significant is that Cde Chinos has acted with impunity in the past ten years with the encouragement of the ZANU PF top leadership. In fact he is the top dog among ZANU PF’s dogs of war who have terrorised, killed and maimed anyone who dared to oppose President Mugabe and ZANU PF. It is, therefore significant that a ZANU PF minister can stand in a public forum and tell Chinotimba (and by proxy war veterans) that his actions are damaging the country’s image abroad. One can choose to see this as the self preservation of a ZANU PF leadership that has been severely hurt by targeted sanctions. An attempt to show that there is change. After all Mzembi is a lightweight in the pecking order of ZANU PF! I choose to see this as the beginning of the seeing of the light by some in ZANU PF. For weeks now Mzembi has been vocal in criticising the actions of those leading new farm invasions and putting the wrong kind of spotlight on Zimbabwe so this is not just a one off comment. We need to look at this comment in the context of other recent comments by Mzembi. In my book he has become the champion of the Zimbabwean cause.
The fact that a lightweight has the temerity to challenge the mighty Joseph Chinotimba is a milestone because this proves that there are some in ZANU PF who want the country to turn a corner. The owl has been unmasked. As the Shona people say, ‘Manhenga chete zizi harina nyanga!’ Although Mzembi prefixed his comment by calling Chinotimba his brother his message to Chinotimba was loud and clear – Stop making silly noises! It remains debatable whether what Mzembi says will have an effect on Chinotimba but it certainly will give others the courage to challenge those bent on causing trouble. One hopes that this feeble effort will free others to speak out against the actions of the few who continue to threaten the unity agreement. I am not naïve. I know that this is a very small start which may or may not lead to anything. However, I am also cognisant of the fact that those who see the great light are likely to draw the attention of others to it. Mzembi has seen the great light and one hopes that he will lead others who are still in the land of darkness to the light. I know there are ‘good’ men and women in ZANU PF who want to see Zimbabwe working again but their voices are drowned by others who feel that their self interests are bigger than Zimbabwe. One hopes that this whisper from Walter Mzembi will become a rallying call from all who care about Zimbabwe. In the past I have had opportunities to meet and listen to Ministers Shamu and Murerwa in spheres outside politics and they came across as reasonable men who understand what needs to be done. I am hoping that they will join in trying to make the rogue elements in their party see the light. I am even told that the two ministers are local preachers of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe or are in the process of becoming local preachers. As ones called to share the good news of the gospel it is incumbent upon them to preach love and tolerance as well as to make others think about the weak, the poor, the widows and the orphans who are suffering due to the actions of men like Joseph Chinotimba. It will be neglecting their Christian duty if they let things continue as they are. Zimbabweans from all walks of life need to embrace the light and to move out of the darkness of hatred, terror and violence. Now that Mzembi has led the way it is time for others to follow suit and I hope sooner rather than later.
I dont even know who this Mzembi is but I am in agreement with this article. It seems you are talking of a tipping point and if more people like him stand up the better. There are educated intelligent people in Zanu PF and i cant understand why we have carried on this disasterous path. If this article holds true then we are on the way to a major transformation - Tendai Huchu