The recent attempt by Zanu PF (ZPF) to focus only on the issue of targeted sanctions without addressing other issues around the sanctions reveals a party that is both morally and intellectually bankrupt. I listened to Minister Mutasa of ZPF speaking on VOA Studio 7 about the issue and was astonished at his naivety. He seems to believe that the targeted sanctions brought about by ZPF’s policy of intolerance should just be lifted because ZPF and MDC have formed a government together. While Mutasa is happy to put conditions for the MDC he does not seem to think that it is right for others to put conditions to be fulfilled before the targeted sanctions are removed. The targeted sanctions are a direct result of ZPF actions and their removal should be directly linked to ZPF actions. Just last week Minister Mutasa was quoted in the state media as having said that there was never any intention by ZPF to share power equally with the MDC. The plan from the beginning was always to use MDC as window dressing in order for Robert Mugabe to remain in power. Contrary to the terms of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) Mutasa claimed that Mugabe was both Head of State and Head of Government with power to do things without consulting the other principals in the Inclusive Government. Such warped thinking reveals the real intentions of ZPF in signing the GPA. The real intention was to allow the senior ZPF figures directly affected by targeted sanctions to travel to the West and enjoy their ill-gotten wealth. It exposes the duplicity of ZPF. It is, therefore, interesting that Minister Mutasa should be the one complaining the loudest about targeted sanctions. If anything he should be demonstrating that his party is committed to implementing the whole GPA instead of only those sections that give ZPF an advantage. The answer to the sanctions is simple. Implement all agreements and involve all parties in decision making. Another typical example of ZPF intransigence is the decision by Minister Chinamasa to withdraw Zimbabwe from the SADC Tribunal without Cabinet or Parliamentary approval. This clearly shows how ZPF has no respect for SADC and its leaders where they feel that their interests are under threat. It also shows how ZPF has no respect for its partners in the unity government. Any self respecting person can never take this kind of circus on the part of the ZPF half of the unity government seriously. If we are unable to follow our own laws in terms of making foreign policy decisions then why should we expect others to think that the Inclusive Government is working? The targeted sanctions will die a natural death once Zimbabwe is firmly on the path of democracy, good governance and respect for human and property rights. The evidence so far does not seem to suggest that we are there yet.
What one can read from the noises coming out of the ZPF camp is that they are trying to blackmail the US and EU into removing the sanctions. The plan is to stall all government business and the full implementation of the GPA in the hope that the EU and US will then give in and remove the targeted sanctions. ZPF will continue to refuse to deal with the unilateral appointment of the RBZ Governor and Attorney General. They will continue to drag feet on the issue of appointing Provincial Governors, the swearing in of Roy Bennett and the setting up of the various Constitutional Commissions. The hope is that this will stop government business and possibly turn the people against the MDC once the pace of change slows down. Once this begins to happen ZPF hopes that the US and EU will be forced to the table not wanting to see Zimbabwe return to the dark days of five or so months ago. ZPF hopes that this blackmail will force the US and EU to lift the sanctions in return for progress rather than as a reward for progress.
It is imperative, therefore, that the International Community starts real engagement of the government of Zimbabwe not only in terms of food and medicines but in terms of funding those social enterprises that allow ordinary Zimbabweans to experience the benefits of the new political dispensation. I would want the US and EU to start funding projects in the social ministries such as Energy, Water Resources, Education, Local Government, Health, etc. The current approach of sending aid through NGOs is not helping the economy to recover. While maintaining the targeted sanctions I would want the US and EU to start funding the government directly rather than through Aid Agencies. This is the only way to counter ZPF blackmail because when government business continues in spite of ZPF’s stalling then they will have no cards to play. Those in the International Community who care about Zimbabweans should realise that the current policy of not engaging the Zimbabwe government directly at all is not working. We need a new approach from both the US and EU. But for all their shouting ZPF should not blackmail the US and EU into lifting the targeted sanctions. Not until all the conditions have been met.
What one can read from the noises coming out of the ZPF camp is that they are trying to blackmail the US and EU into removing the sanctions. The plan is to stall all government business and the full implementation of the GPA in the hope that the EU and US will then give in and remove the targeted sanctions. ZPF will continue to refuse to deal with the unilateral appointment of the RBZ Governor and Attorney General. They will continue to drag feet on the issue of appointing Provincial Governors, the swearing in of Roy Bennett and the setting up of the various Constitutional Commissions. The hope is that this will stop government business and possibly turn the people against the MDC once the pace of change slows down. Once this begins to happen ZPF hopes that the US and EU will be forced to the table not wanting to see Zimbabwe return to the dark days of five or so months ago. ZPF hopes that this blackmail will force the US and EU to lift the sanctions in return for progress rather than as a reward for progress.
It is imperative, therefore, that the International Community starts real engagement of the government of Zimbabwe not only in terms of food and medicines but in terms of funding those social enterprises that allow ordinary Zimbabweans to experience the benefits of the new political dispensation. I would want the US and EU to start funding projects in the social ministries such as Energy, Water Resources, Education, Local Government, Health, etc. The current approach of sending aid through NGOs is not helping the economy to recover. While maintaining the targeted sanctions I would want the US and EU to start funding the government directly rather than through Aid Agencies. This is the only way to counter ZPF blackmail because when government business continues in spite of ZPF’s stalling then they will have no cards to play. Those in the International Community who care about Zimbabweans should realise that the current policy of not engaging the Zimbabwe government directly at all is not working. We need a new approach from both the US and EU. But for all their shouting ZPF should not blackmail the US and EU into lifting the targeted sanctions. Not until all the conditions have been met.
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