Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Mugabe’s problem with Malema

This week has seen the arrival of the controversial leader of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema. This was considered good by ZANU PF who considered an endorsement of their policies from him as a coup against the MDC. After all he had publicly endorsed the chaotic land reform, called the Dear Leader a hero and spoke the ‘revolutionary’ speak that resonates well with the ZANU PF supporters. However the Shona people have a saying that says ‘Unofarira n’anga neinobata mai (Praising a healer who will accuse your mother of being the witch)’.
There are two things that would have embarrassed Mugabe and his party during the recent visit of Julius Malema.
The first issue that left Mugabe with egg on his face is that Malema actually told ZANU PF what no other ANC leader has had courage to. Speaking to ZANU PF Youths he is reported to have said, “But militancy does not mean cutting people hands, militancy does not mean violent politics...” Reading the lines here shows that Malema is telling Mugabe that his party is a party of violence and that it must change. Even though I do not like Malema’s politics I think he hit the nail on the head here by telling ZANU PF that they are the party that has visited violence on the people of Zimbabwe. There is no ambiguity here. ZANU PF kills and maims people and it must stop this if they are to be trusted by the people of Zimbabwe. Malema also suggested that ZANU PF had run out of ideas so they were resorting to violence. His words were, “Those who think violence is a means for solutions, they cannot think, that is why they introduce violent politics in the politics of Zimbabwe…” This drills huge holes into the claims by ZANU PF that MDC is a violent party. Even though MDC leaders have been arrested more than ZANU PF leaders on charges of violence we now know the truth because a close friend of ZANU PF has told us. It is no longer the European and American imperialists telling us Mugabe and ZANU PF are violent. It is his friends. Vakapemberera n’anga yakabata mai (The ZANU PF traditional healer accused of being a witch).

Malema also appeared to suggest that whites are better looking than black people. This will disappoint Mugabe who has been quoted as saying that white people stink. It will also disappoint those of us who believe in the beauty of all humanity regardless of their skin colour. But the controversial Malema thinks otherwise. Having captured the headlines with his rhetoric against white people, white interests and all things white Malema appeared to change his mind. In remarks attributed to him in Mbare Malema is reported to have said, “They are so bright, they are colourful, we refer to them as white people, maybe their colour came as a result of exploiting our minerals and perhaps if some of us can get opportunities in these minerals we can develop some nice colour like them." This seems to suggest that he is unhappy with the colour of his skin. For a ‘young revolutionary’ who has made it his life’s career to verbally attack white people this is the kind of mixed message that shows there is a chink in that ‘shining black armour’. I am sure Robert Mugabe winced when he read these reports.
The lesson from all this seems to be that it is political suicide for anyone to rely on unpredictable, fringe politicians like Malema to put across your views. Mugabe will rue having given Malema a red carpet reception.

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